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Dr. Alain Salas - Bio

       Dr. Salas originates from the South of France. In the past he worked as an electronics engineer. Seven years prior to coming to the United States, to fulfill his true calling, he owned a boat rental business in his native country. He discovered his calling when he saw a vision of himself as a healer. Because he is a very spiritual man with compassion for all mankind, he began this pursuit which is now his life’s passion. He sold his boat rental business at the age of thirty and came to the United States for the first time.


       His journey led him away from his family, his homeland, and his livelihood. When he arrived in North Carolina he did not know anyone, could not speak English and had sold everything he owned in order to pay for his education. Later, Dr. Salas moved to the Kansas City area. Although he had a BS degree, Cleveland Chiropractic College would not accept him until he had completed a series of pre-requisite courses. Despite these obstacles he graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College in 1996.


        Again he faced more challenges. He had used all of his money to pay for his education. He was not yet a citizen of the United States; therefore, he was unable to open his own practice or to secure a business loan. After obtaining his Green Card he traveled to nursing homes in the Kansas City area treating challenging cases and working as an associate. Finally he was able to open his own practice in 2002. Dr. Salas believes, the problem is not owing money, but being unable to work so that you can earn it.


       What is even more unique about his endeavor is that from the beginning Dr. Salas knew chiropractic school was a means to an end. He understood he would be blessed with knowledge and techniques that facilitate healing and wellness in a gentle, non-forceful, and non-invasive manner, yet at the same time are very effective and efficient.


       Many of our patients say they are not sure how to recommend Dr. Salas to others because his techniques are not at all like traditional chiropractic care. As a matter of fact the term healer was coined for him by his patients and fellow practitioners because of his unique gifts.


         In June 2008, Dr. Salas became one of the few certified Quantum Neurologists in the world. This systematic rehabilitation enables the body to function more efficiently while focusing on allowing the nerves that may be associated with painful or debilitating injuries or conditions to reset or repair so the body can heal itself.


       Currently Dr. Salas manages a successful wellness practice in North Kansas City called the Dr. Salas Wellness Lifestyle Center. His passion and purpose is to save lives and help as many people as possible to achieve vibrant and optimal health through education, life style changes and natural means without the use of drugs or surgery.



Dr. Alain Salas DC, QN 

 Wellness Lifestyle Center

2425 Burlington Ave, Kansas City MO 64116         



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