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"Learn Secrets Most Long Term Pain and Stress Sufferers Will Never Know About Getting Their Health Back"

"What is wrong with me?"

This is the question that people ask most of their doctors, and rarely does the doctor truly know the answer, and even with the most sophisticated tests, it is still rare that the doctor does actually know.  Analyzing the body to figure out what is wrong can be one the hardest things in the world to do, or  it can be one of the easiest, depending on the approach. Symptoms rarely tell a doctor the root cause of what is actually wrong. Unfortunately, we have become accustomed to a health care system that treats the symptoms and not the  underlying cause  of what is truly wrong.




I am Dr. Alain Salas.  Our health care system is Simple, Powerful, Efficient, Affordable, and designed to Get Your Life Back. We can accomplish this because our philosphy is based on working with nature not against nature.


"What we do?"    


     Finding out the causes of your physical, chemical, and emotional stresses

     Assessing and addressing the causes of your long term pain and stress

     Treating the whole person- Body and Mind

     Offering safe and non-invasive treatments

     Helping the most challenging cases that " Have tried everything and have been every where"

     Helping you to become and stay "Healthy and Happy"

     Educating our patients about lifestyle changes


"What we do not do?"


     Use drugs and surgery

     Spend only a few minutes with our patients

     Overload your body with supplements and nutrients


                                 -Dr. Alain Salas

In My FREE "Be Healthy Be Happy" Newsletter, You'll Learn Things:


     Easy Ways to become and stay healthy and happy


     How to treat yourself and your family


     Easy ways to quickly Release your stress


     How to tell the difference between Good Food Vs. Bad           Food


     Fast and Healthy food receipes








Finally there is hope for You!!

Find out what are the main CAUSES of your stress that prevent you to become "Healthy and Happy", and what to do about it.

Dr. Alain  Salas DC, QN

Wellness Lifestyle Center

2425 Burlington Street

North Kansas City MO 64116



Hours: Monday- Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

© 2013 Dr Salas Wellness Lifestyle Center


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